Margaret Oleary Blade Sign Featured

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Margaret O'leary , a known name in woman's clothing has trusted Hi-Tech Signs to design , Fabricate and install their unique background blade signs. Using Pearl acrylic and creating even lighting could become a challenge in sign business.

Sign fabrication is all about art and creativity that once is managed by an artist , will result in a sign that is not just a sign but is an artwork.
Illuminated blade signs are very useful in crowded sidewalks and gives the business more visibility.
Projecting signs are subject to a city permit for most of Los Angeles area. Hi-Tech Signs is an approved U.L. Shop and all of our products are UL approved.


Read 9492 times Last modified on Saturday, 07 February 2015 21:44
Hi Tech Signs and Neon Inc

Hi Tech Signs and Neon, Inc.
14837 Calvert St. Van nuys, CA. 91411   Phone: 818-376-0688  Toll Free: 800-320-7446

Edward Motag 

Pole Signs, Wall Signs, Monument Signs, Interior Signs, Projecting Signs, Vehicle Graphics, Window Signs, ADA-Wayfinding signs, Metal Letters, Neon Signs, LED Signs.

Website: Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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